Friday, November 27, 2009


So I am deviating a little from my song because I think Mom's birthday deserves it. :) I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving because I did too for the most part. We basically celebrated Thanksgiving on Wednesday because that was the only day that we could make a reservation for 13 people at a restaurant that had Thanksgiving food. We at Joe Allen's Restaurant. It was great!!! We had a choice of what appetizer, what entree, what desert, and it came with wine. However, it is now the most expensive meal I have ever paid for, but it was worth it! For my appetizer I decided I should try foie gras. I've never had it and because I knew that a delicious entree was coming after it, I thought, 'Why not?' It was pretty good, until my wonderful professor Jerry told me the abuse the animals go through to make it.  I gave the rest to my other professor Nan in exchange for one of her crab cakes which were also quite delicious. For my entree, I (of course) picked the turkey. It came with dark and light meat, a pile of green beans, what I am pretty sure was 2 sweet potatoes cut up, and an ice cream scoop of stuffing. Soooooo good.  I had pumpkin pie for desert and tried some of my friends brownie with ice cream- in the middle of the brownie I swear it morphed into fudge.

Yesterday, on the real Thanksgiving, it was a beautiful day so my friends and I did some homework in the park on our roof (you read that right, there is a park on our roof). Then we did some extra credit for a class and went to Jim Morrison's grave. I guess it is a tradition that you have a beer at his grave. That cemetery was very creepy and not nearly as peaceful as the American Cemetery. I did find a Burkhardt though! After being lost for about a half an hour we finally found Jim's grave. The guy standing next to us was drinking whiskey but we were still weary about whether drinking was disrespectful. So between the three of us, we just had one beer. From there we went to the Musee d'Orsay because it was free. I had already gone with Morgan, but our Art History Teacher was going to be there for questions so I went back. I didn't stay too long because I started not to feel too well (excitement from the Holidays I guess) and I wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to my family.

I hope you are having a great birthday Mom!

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