Sunday, December 20, 2009


Well, I have been home for a week now and conquered my jet lag and reverse culture shock of coming home. Now the annoying part for all those around me has set in: the stories. When I first came home people kept asking me "what was your favorite part about Italy or France? What was your favorite place? What did you do?" I didn't really know how to answer them. I still don't. But now stories from different places come out in conversations. Unfortunately, most people won't hear these but those of you reading this blog will hear them thousands of times and become horribly annoyed with them! Lucky you!

So whenever one of these stories pops into my mind, I'll post them so you can read them. This way I'll know which stories I've told!

Here's my story for today:

Mom and I went to Price Chopper and bought Cherry Coke Zero (my favorite). I decided I wanted one when we were home, but Mom said that it wasn't a good idea because it wouldn't be cold. That reminded me of my plane ride home.
We finally took off from Paris heading to Chicago, and my heart started aching. I had been so excited about going home earlier, but now I was sad that I was leaving Paris. Then the flight attendant came by with drinks. "Would you like something to drink?" She asked with what looked like a genuine smile. That was one thing that pretty much NO ONE in Europe did: smile. I have truly missed people being truly kind to each other and that saying "the customer is always right." While it is annoying to always be nice to people when you are working, it is soooooooo nice that we do. I've really missed it.
Then, the MOST exciting thing happened. The flight attendant gave me a REAL Diet Coke NOT a Coca-Cola Light (while they are good, the Lights just are not Diet Coke). That was when I decided I was okay with going home.

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