Saturday, January 16, 2010


One of my very good friends is on the same study abroad program this semester as I was. She set up a blog too. I tried to read it today but it made me so jealous that I just couldn't. Another girl in my house was accepted to the program (which had so many applicants for this semester that they had to cut people) but she DECLINED. When she told me that, I wanted to yell at her, "You're an idiot!" but that would have only made her feel bad. And that's why I want to tell you Kelly, it's scary as Hell getting ready to go, but you're already braver than her, and I PROMISE that it will be far more fun and far more life-changing than being on Mass Street after the National Championship.

As for myself, I realized on Thursday when I was going to my first class that I was so sad about not being in Europe anymore that I forgot how much I LOVE Lawrence! It is going to be a great semester!

One last thing. I'm having a bowl of cereal and chatting with one of my friends on Friday morning and she asked me if I had gone anywhere over break. "Yes, I went to..." I stopped. Had I gone anywhere? I'm so used to traveling that I didn't realize I hadn't really left Kansas City over break. I had gone to Lawrence. Morgan came from Denver. But I had done so many things! I went shopping, to museums, to restaurants, but I really never left the metro area. "Ha ha! I guess I didn't. It may have been more relaxing if I did!"

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