Monday, October 26, 2009


I'm about to run out of words! I suppose I'll just have to start the fight song.

I had a wonderful time in Florence and in Rome with Stacy and Hayden! It was exactly what I needed to get over my depression of leaving Florence. I know if you throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain it means that you will come back to Rome, but does that apply to Florence too? Maybe that's why we rub the boar's nose.  My separation anxiety is slowly alleviating but I still miss the Duomo. I am having a wonderful time in Venice but every so often there is something I want to say or laugh about (I've had a few great jokes to tell) but there is no one to tell them too. The train ride here was nice, but once again my luck of sitting next to random people comes with me.  Fortunately, he wasn't next to me but one row down and he was talking INCREDIBLY LOUD (even for me!) on his phone.  There was a U.S. Army Soldier and another British man sitting near me and the first time he did it we all just looked at each other; what is this guy doing? When he got off, the British man told me he envied my earphones (eventhough they did no good to block him out) and the soldier said he would pay someone money to break that guy's phone. Besides that, easy travels! I looked around some churches yesterday and just roamed around- it was actually quite enjoyable. But my camera is running out of battery!!! I forgot to pack my charger! I'm hoping my friend Emily will let me use her camera in England and then I can get a disposable in Amsterdam. I am currently taking full advantage of my free breakfast at my hotel.  They have cereal but they do not have oatmeal.  I should go do some last exploring before the hotel pushes me out- I don't think the morning deskman likes me much. Hopefully all goes well today too!

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