Monday, October 12, 2009

Lift the Chorus

I am in love with Italy! Rome is absolutely amazing. Freya (our wonderful tour guide) exhausted with all the information she gave us each day but all of it was so interesting.  She is Australian who just recently married an Italian but is still very much an Australian. Whenever we needed to move she would say something like, "let's move on everyone" with her arm dramatically out-stretched.  She is extremely passionate and gets me very excited about everything that we see.  It was so surreal seeing all of these structures and works of art that I have been reading and learning about since I was in Mrs. Davis's class in 2nd grade!! It was amazing.  Saturday we went to the Vatican in the rain, however by the time we had gotten out of St. Peter's Basilica the sun was out.  Freya started laughing on her microphone (yes we are one of those obnoxious groups with ear pieces) and told us that a priest told her it was a miracle. =)

After seeing the Sistine Chapel (so awesome and so crowded!) most people went back to the hotel to take a quick nap. I tried, but I was too excited to sleep. I walked to the Piazza Navona to get stamps and another miracle happened! A family walks up to me and starts speaking in Italian. Then I heard "inglese?" I responded "si!" The girls came up to me and asked if I was from Rome. I said no and they asked if I was British. "Sure." I love being American but it's nice to know that I've done an ok job of blending. =)

P.S. ROCK CHALK!!! I saw a man with a Jayhawk hat on in the Colisseum. Thanks for the score update Mom!

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